Where the World Finds the Top in Social Media
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean
Parlamento Latinoamericano
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
Pan African Agency of the Great Green Wall
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Pacific Islands Development Forum
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
Organization of American States
Permanent Court of Arbitration
Organizacion Latino Americana de Energia
Organizacao do Tratado de Cooperacao Amazonica
Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States
Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention
Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Secretaria General de la Comunidad Andina
Secretaria General Iberoamericana
Secretariat general de l union du Maghreb Arabe
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
South Asia Co operative Environment Programme
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
OPEC Fund for International Development
South Centre
Southern African Development Community
Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel
Nordic Investment Bank
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EU ACP
The Coral Triangle Initiatives on Coral Reefs Fisheries and Food Security
The Crop Trust
The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine
University for Peace
West African Science service centre on Climate change and Adapted Land use
International Transport Forum, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (ITF)
Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)
Nordic Development Fund (NDF)
Nordic Council (NR)
League of Arab States (LAS)
ITER International Fusion Energy Organization (ITER Organization)
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
International Youth Organization for Ibero-America (OIJ)
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
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